JIB Cranes

Quality you can trust with a quick turnaround.

Imperial Precision Manufacturing knows workstation JIB cranes.

Imperial Precision Manufacturing JIB Cranes lift and transport materials in a full true 360 degree rotation with concealed utilities for either air or vacuum. Utilizing a jib crane will enable employees to pass materials to adjacent workstations.

JIB Cranes offer 180-360 degree rotation in a circular area. Jibs are available with straight or articulating booms. Standard mounting consists of floor or pillar, but may require a special foundation in some cases. Movement is freer at the end of the boom, but becomes more restricted as the load is moved toward the pivot. If more that 40% of your work is done within the inner half of the radius of your straight boom jib crane, you may want to consider an articulating jib.

Monorails are a simple solution to an application requiring linear travel along one axis, and are most commonly used in maintenance, storage and transfer areas.

Types of JIB Cranes

  • Wall mounted
  • Free Standing
  • Rail Mounted
  • Straight Booms: floor or wall mounted
  • Articulating Booms
  • Custom Portable
  • Low Profile